The Preaching Ministry Of Tyler Trivette  

The Preaching Ministry Of Tyler Trivette  


Blog Posts

11 Mar 2024
Considerations for the Christian Life

Considerations for the Christian Life

***New Book***

In "Considerations for the Christian Life," the author takes an expository look at the many thoughts Christians are called to consider in the Scriptures. In sermonic fashion, the reader is led to consider things such as the glory of God, the sufferings of Jesus, and the chastening of the Lord, as well as many practical exhortations such as "Consider one another" and "Consider your ways." Rich in alliterated outlines, this book is set to serve preachers, pastors, and laypeople alike as they strive to live and think in the context of God's Word. 161 pages.

Price: $10 (plus $4 shipping)

You can order by writing to:

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Please include the title of the books desired, your shipping address, contact information, and payment. Cash, checks, and PayPal accepted. Please allow up to two weeks for delivery. 

14 Aug 2023

Update: August 14th, 2023

    I praise the Lord for all His kindness and goodness since my last update.

    These have been busy months. Over the course of this summer, we have taken a mission trip (Pine Ridge, SD), had our annual VBS, as well as celebrated our girls’ birthdays (7/11 & 7/14). 

    These have been blessed months. In spite of the busyness, we have sensed the Lord’s blessings. God has blessed every endeavor, and there has been a sweet sense of His favor in our church. 

    These have been beneficial months. God’s blessing has brought God’s benefits. We have seen lives touched and changed this summer, both inside our church and out. I truly believe we will never be the same. 

    As for the preaching, I finished my Sunday morning series through the book of John. I feel as if there was so much I missed, but I’m grateful for every nugget we were able to grab along the way.  Presently, I am working on a series I have entitled, “God Our Father.” Enjoying these messages.

    I am once again in between series on Wednesday nights. I finished a series this summer entitled, “A Portrait of a Godly Man” tracing the uses of the word “godly” through the Bible. Help me pray for direction in the service to come. 

    On Sunday nights, I am still working through the book of Ruth. These are fertile grounds for “gleaning.” I have enjoyed this study as much as anything I have done in recent years. 

    I’m certainly grateful for all that God has done, and my heart is filled with anticipation with what He will do! May we always be faithful to labor in the fields ‘till He come! May His precious name be exalted!


Tyler A. Trivette 

9 May 2023

Update: May 9th, 2023

    I praise the Lord for His grace and provision over the last several years that the website has been in publication. I have been amazed at the feedback that I have received and rejoice at every life that has been helped. The Lord certainly is gracious!

    Presently, I am continuing my study on the Gospel of John on Sunday mornings at Delashmitt Road. This Sunday, I plan to begin chapter 19. Also this week, I plan to finish up a long series on Psalm 119 that I have been working on since February 2022. Prayerfully, after Mother’s Day, I will begin a series on the book of Ruth. This is the first time I have ever dealt with this book. My heart is full, and I am anxious to begin.

    In the future, I am praying about a study on the Song of Solomon on Wednesday nights for the summer. I’m praying for God’s direction regarding these matters. 

    Again, I rejoice in all that the Lord has done and is doing! It is a joy to serve Jesus! If I can be of assistance in any way, please feel free to contact me. As always, I covet your prayers for these days and the days to come. 


Tyler Trivette

6 Mar 2020

The Throne of Grace

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” -Hebrews 4:16

2020 has been an especially trying year for North Carolina basketball fans. After 5 straight losses, Head Coach Roy Williams said to the press in a post-game interview, “I’m getting tired of coming to you guys like this.”

Often times as believers, we can feel that way when coming before the throne of grace. So often we have to come broken, bloody, and bruised before our gracious God. We try and we fight, and yet we always seem to be in need of something from Him. 

I often find myself saying, “Lord, it’s me again. I’m sorry I have to keep coming to you like this.” If we are not careful we can convince ourselves that we have exhausted the resources of God’s grace and kindness. 

However, Paul reminds us that “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom. 5:20). The great preacher of the turn of the 17th century, Richard Sibbes, put it this way, “There is more mercy in Christ than there is sin in us.” 

We must be reminded that the throne of God is not a throne of condemnation for the believer but a throne of Grace. We can come, broken as we are and find grace to help in time of need. In the words of the hymn writer,

Come ye sinners, poor and needy

Weak and wounded, sick and sore

Jesus, ready, stands to save you

Full of pity, love and power!

Come to the throne today. Drink full of the well of the infinite grace of our gracious God!

7 Dec 2019

Sound the Alarm!

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1


ON THIS DAY, in 1941, at 7:55 a.m., the first Japanese dive bomber was spotted in the skies over the island of Oahu. In the moments that followed, a swarm of 360 Japanese warplanes descended on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in a ferocious assault. The attack on what would become known as “A date which will live in infamy” struck a critical blow against the U.S. Pacific fleet and inevitably drew the United States into World War II.

With December 7th being a Sunday, many of the military personnel had been given passes to attend religious services off base. At 7:02 a.m., two radar operators spotted large groups of aircraft in flight toward the island from the north, but, with a flight of B-17s expected from the United States at the time, they were told to sound no alarm. [1]

I think of how different that day could have been if only those two men had sounded an alarm. How many lives could have been saved? How could the tables have turned?

In Isaiah 58:1, we read, “Cry aloud, spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins.” In essence what God is instructing the prophet Isaiah to do here is sound the alarm! The word “aloud” that is used here literally means “with the throat.” In other words, “Isaiah, I want you to cry with full voice, not merely with the lips. Cry with a voice that is loud enough to arrest attention.”[2]

As believers, we have been commissioned by our King to sound forth the truths of the gospel to all the world. We are to warn them, like the prophet of old, of their sin and their transgressions and proclaim the life changing truths of the good news of Christ. Jesus can and will save anyone who will come to Him. However, God has chosen for us to be His messengers. In reality, every day that we neglect to share the gospel ought to be “a date which will live in infamy” in our hearts.

So, today, don’t be like the two radar operators who failed to warn the people of the devastation to come. Like the prophet, cry aloud, and spare not. Lift up your voice like a trumpet and proclaim to the world, “Judgment is coming, and Jesus saves! Jesus saves!”


[2] Jamieson, Robert, A.R. Fausset, David Brown. A Commentary: Critical, Experimental, and Practical on the Old and New Testaments. Toledo, OH: Jerome B. Names & Co., 1884. WORDsearch CROSS e-book.

28 Nov 2019

Are You Sure?


“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall” 2 Peter 1:10


On November 6th, 1977, the Toccoa Falls Dam in Georgia gave way, killing 39 people in the process. The story goes that in 1911, R.A. Forrest established the Christian and Missionary Alliance College along the creek below the dam. According to legend, he bought the land for the campus from a banker with the only $10 he had left to his name, offering God’s word that he would pay the remaining $24,990 of the purchase price at a later date.

Sixty-six years later on November 5th, a volunteer fireman inspected the dam and found everything in order. However, just hours after the inspection, in the morning hours of November 6th, the dam suddenly gave way. Water thundered down the canyon and creek, approaching speeds of 120 miles per hour. Although there was a tremendous roar when the dam broke, the residents of the college had no time to evacuate. Within minutes, the entire community was slammed by a wave of water. Ultimately, 39 people lost their lives in the flood.[1]

When I read that story, I cannot help but think of how different the outcome would have been, given there had been a proper inspection of the dam. In 2 Peter 1:10, the Apostle Peter writes, “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” Peter is advocating here for a proper inspection of our lives, and when he speaks of our calling and election here, he is simply speaking of our salvation. He is saying here, “I want you to do everything that you can to confirm in yourself that you are really in the faith, that you are really saved.”

The Bible is clear. God wants us to know that we are saved beyond the shadow of a doubt. I think of the words of the Apostle John in 1 John 5:13, where he says, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; THAT YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Again, God wants us to be sure of our salvation. Now the question may be asked, “How can I know that I am saved?” The answer is simple. Believe in Christ. Put your faith and your trust in Him. Believe that He died to save you and that His death is sufficient to forgive your sins. Call out to him and ask Him to save you. We have this promise from the Lord that whosever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.

Now we need to take note that this is a time-sensitive matter. Just like the students in Toccoa, Georgia, we do not know when the dam of God’s judgment and wrath will break. We do not know when the hour will come when we are called upon to face God in the Judgment. It could be today; it could be tomorrow. We do not know. However, we can know that we are ready to meet Him, having our sins washed away and our hearts prepared, for we do so by believing on Christ.

So, I urge you. Do a thorough inspection of your life. Are you in the faith? Are your sins forgiven? Are you ready to meet Him? If you will make your salvation sure, in the words of the Apostle Peter, “ye shall never fall.”
